Egg-oil wrap.
125 ml vegetable oil 2 egg yolks.
Pour oil into a small bowl and place it in a water bath. Slightly warm, remove from heat and add the egg yolks. Whisk the mixture until smooth, apply the mixture on the skin of the legs. Wrap the legs with polyethylene, and put on top of woolen stockings. Leave on for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water and liquid soap.
Chamomile compress with starch.
1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers, 3 tablespoons fat cream for the feet, 2 tablespoons of thick diluted potato starch, water.
Prepare an infusion of chamomile. 3 tablespoons infusion combine with cream and a thick gruel of starch. Apply the mixture on the legs, wrap the polythene and leave for 20 minutes. Next, remove the wrap and Wash feet with warm water and liquid soap.
Carrot mask with yogurt.
125 ml thick yogurt, fresh carrots.
Carrot peel and grate on a fine grater. Mix with yogurt in equal amounts. Apply the mask on the skin of the feet for 30 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
Mask of bread and milk.
500 g of rye bread, warm milk.
Cut the crust with black bread crumb and knead well soak in warm milk. Warm bread kashitsu put on his feet, and hold for 30 minutes. Then rinse with cool water.
Mask oatmeal with nuts (for peeling).
2 tablespoons of oat meal, 2 tablespoons minced Turkish walnut (chickpeas), 1 tablespoon rose water.
Prepare a mask by mixing the components. If there is too much dough, add a little water. Once a week apply to the feet and gently rub. Then rinse with warm water, wipe the skin dry and spread with coconut oil, melted butter or body lotion.
Pumpkin-mask Sandthorn.
3 tablespoons of pumpkin juice, 120 ml of sea buckthorn oil.
Combine pumpkin juice and a little warmed sea buckthorn oil, the mixture was put on the skin of the feet peeling in places. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes. Then wash your feet with warm water and liquid soap.