Protein mask loose flabby skin.
Ingredients: 1 white, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, juice of half a lemon.
Beat the protein in a solid foam, add lemon juice and oil, mix well. Apply on face for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water, then cold, then warm again, then cold, repeated several times. Contrasting washing are very useful for aging skin.
Mask of parsley.
Ingredients: 1 tablespoon sour cream, parsley leaves.
Parsley mince. 1 tablespoon of the parsley slurry mix with sour cream until smooth. Put a mask on your face and neck for 25-30 minutes. This mask can be superimposed on the area and age.
The mask smooths wrinkles, whitens skin and removes puffiness.
Honey mask to prevent the formation of wrinkles.
The structure of this mask are: 1 egg yolk, � teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of glycerin.
Rub the honey with egg yolk, add the glycerin and stir thoroughly all. Apply on face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Another option is a honey mask to prevent the formation of wrinkles.
Ingredients: 1 teaspoon honey, 1 white, 1 tablespoon of oatmeal.
Protein shake up in a solid foam, add the honey and stir thoroughly. In a mixture of oatmeal and pour the mix. Apply on face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
Honey mask, smoothing out wrinkles.
Ingredients: 2 tablespoons honey, 2 tablespoons flour, 1 protein.
In a water bath to heat the honey, add to it, stirring the flour, then white. All beat with a mixer. Apply on face for 30 minutes. Then rinse with warm water, oplosnut face with cold water and apply moisturizer.
Moisturizing mask.
Ingredients: 1 tablespoon chamomile 1 tablespoon mint, 2 cups of boiling water, 1 teaspoon chopped dandelion leaves, 1 teaspoon of crushed leaves of young nettles, 1 teaspoon of crushed leaves of lemon balm, chopped 1 teaspoon peppermint leaves, 2 tablespoons cottage cheese 2 teaspoons honey.
Chamomile mixed with mint and cover with water, put on fire. Once boiling reduce the flame and simmer for 10 minutes. Cool, strain, pour into ice trays to freeze and put. Mix the leaves of dandelion, mint, lemon balm and nettles, rub them with cream cheese and honey. Put a mask on your face and neck for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Wipe the face of already prepared with ice.
Mask for dry aging skin.
The set includes the following components: 2 tablespoons sour cream 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of carrot juice.
Mash yolks with sour cream, add the carrot juice, stir thoroughly. Apply on face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Potato mask.
Ingredients: 1 potato, raw, 1 yolk, 1 tablespoon milk.
Potato grate and add to the kashitse yolk and milk. All thoroughly. Distribute weight between two layers of gauze and put on face for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water, then cool.
Here's another version of potato mask.
Ingredients: 1 raw potato, milk.
Potato peel and boil in a small amount of milk. Mash potatoes with milk. Cool the mass to a temperature of fresh milk and apply on face for 20-25 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
Sour-milk mask for dry skin fade.
Ingredients: 2 tablespoons sour cream, 1 tablespoon cheese, 1 teaspoon salt.
Cottage cheese mixed with sour cream until uniform mass, salt and stir. Mask put on face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water, rinse face with cold water. This mask tones and softens the skin, but it must be done regularly