Sweat from his face do not wipe with a handkerchief, it should be wet paper towel.
After a hot summer day at work, when the skin loses its tone, is very refreshing compress from broth linden flowers. Concentrated warm broth can be added to any nourishing cream (2 tablespoons whipped cream nutrient with 2 teaspoons of broth). Warm mass must be placed on the face and neck.
Some believe that on hot summer days should not apply creams, supposedly, the skin and sweat and without glitters. This is not true: a low-fat skin on hot days more moisture evaporates, and this leads to more of its dryness. Mash 2 fresh tomatoes and put his hands on the face - sebum decreases.
Light summer recipes nourishing creams :
- Mix 1 teaspoon of cosmetic vaseline, peach butter and water.
- Melt in a water bath fresh lard and mix 1 teaspoon of oil with a teaspoon of castor oil .
- The most simple - the cocoa butter in its purest form. It can be purchased at the pharmacy and keep in the refrigerator. Wipe a circle of skin oil and wash cloth. Well protected and does not clog pores.
dry, the sun's rays change the color, sea salt makes it brittle. The most important thing for the hair in hot weather - moisture.
- Out of the abundance of sun and suffer hair. The heat takes the moisture out of them, the wind dries the sun's rays change the color, sea salt makes it brittle. The most important thing for the hair in hot weather - moisture.
It is recommended to make the mask: mix 2 egg yolks, the juice of half a lemon, add a few drops of almond oil or burdock. Keep the mask on his head to 20-30 minutes depending on the length and condition of hair. Do every day during the week, then every 3-4 days. Hair become more soft and shiny, in addition, you get rid of dandruff and itching that often arise in early summer, when there is a change of water and power supply.
- Good moisturizes hair decoction of nettles : grass pour boiling water, boil and strain. Rinse hair with broth, put on a shower cap, wrap a towel on top and after 10 minutes rinse with clean water.
- Women with light reddish hair, and can recommend a similar swimming hairs, but in broth chamomile mixed with lemon juice.
- If you spend much time in the sun, make a face mask: 50 g of a colorless henna and 0.5 liters of yogurt mix any fat, weight for 15 minutes, put on a steam bath, then add 2 mg of vitamin B6. Leave on the scalp for 30 minutes, from top to wear something warm. Then rinse. The procedure must prodelyvat 1 time per week.
- In the evening, rejuvenates the hair with mineral water, which add a little lemon juice.
- Opolosnuv after washing your hair a cup of green tea, you will attach them to an extraordinary shine.
Just a few summer tips.
- The skin of the legs in the summer quickly coarsens. It's easy to fix, overlaid on the night of the foot sliced ??onions and tied with plastic wrap and bandage. In the morning wash your feet with warm water and talcum powder to prevent sweating. The procedure can be repeated several times.
- To the feet are not sweating, make the evening a 10-minute bath: 3 tea bags in 1 quart of water.